Caballero ProFuture Canada Immigration

Hire the right people   

Are you looking to hire a foreign worker for your company or a caregiver for your home, a worker specialized in a specific trade or simply to hire a worker for your company that is experiencing labour shortages? Please contact. WE CAN HELP. 

Over the past few years, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has streamlined the process of hiring workers from abroad and made it increasingly simpler and faster than you probably think.

What are my options for Hiring Foreign Skilled Workers? 

You can offer either a permanent or a temporary job offer.

  • If you would like to hire foreign workers for full-time permanent positions, your future employees will need to complete their Canadian Immigration (permanent residence) process.


  • If you're looking to hire foreign workers temporarily, your future employees can obtain a Temporary Work Permit.

  • If you have been employing foreign workers on temporary work permits and would like to offer them full-time employment, they may be able to obtain Canadian Permanent Resident through different immigration programs.

Do you have already a foreign worker who you wish to employ?

If you, as a Canadian employer, have already found a foreign worker to fill in an opening in your company or household, we can take care of the process for you to ensure that you meet all government regulations.

At Caballero ProFuture Immigration we have access to a network of people here in Canada and overseas that are ready to help when required and when needed. Start with a consultation to let us know what you need and about your unique situation. 

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